God’s got this.

Today I woke up at a good time, feeling refreshed. Little did I know what this day would bring, as I got out of bed to start my day.

Later today, I learned that we are on the brink of World War III. I’ve been very stressed. I messed up at school a lot more that usual, and I’ve been irritable. I started crying over something stupid that I would usually not make much of a fuss over.

I’ve been reflecting on this now, and I’ve realized that there’s something that I haven’t done yet that I should have. I have not prayed today. Not once. This, I realized, was a big mistake. I’ve been stressing so much over things that I cannot control. God can. I bowed my head and prayed.

I’d like to say that this brought instant relief. The truth however, is not that. I don’t feel ultimate relief. What I do feel is a spark of determination. That I will not give up no matter what happens. I will seek the truth. I will follow God. No matter what it takes.

It used to be so hard to keep going. Now that I’ve made the choice to follow Jesus and the Light, I know I can keep going. Life is not hopeless. There is always hope. I know that God loves me. He will guide me.

Don’t lose hope. Keep going.

God’s got this.

Do Good- Someone’s Always Watching


I could grab that coin. The one that someone just dropped at my feet without noticing. Pocket the coin or give it back to the one who dropped it?Nobody could ever know if you took it- could they?

As it turns out, someone always knows. It may be the cashier, or it may be a person waiting to check out next to you. But what if they all aren’t looking? God is. He is waiting to judge you. It’s just such a small bad thing to do though- so why not? All those little sins that you do add up.

Someone is always watching over you, so remember that when you go through your life. Give that coin back to the woman who dropped it. Do good-someone’s always watching.

You are wondering why I put an image of Rona and Bear up there? Bear doesn’t see you with the coin. Rona does (don’t let her try to eat it).

3D Designing

Lately I’ve been using a 3D designing website called Tinkercad to learn how to create 3D images to print on a 3D printer that my father bought about a year ago. It is a very creditable site that lets you create outlines of what you want to 3D print.

What is a 3D Printer?

A 3D printer is a device that can make objects out of plastic. Most of the time these items are 3D.

Click here to visit Tinkercad.

Welcome to Shady Timbers!

Hi! We’re here at Shady Timbers. I just absoloutly love it. It has fruit trees, forest, a little prarie, and a stream out back.Since we moved here, we have been working on the house, the coop, a doghouse for one of our dogs named Zin’rokh destroyer of worlds. Bear is an inside dog and probably will stay that way for the rest of his life. In reality Zin is bigger than Bear.

One of the new games me and my siblings have made up while we have lived here is a song-game called “Cover the Coffins.” It is really fun and kind of rowdy, too. But we love it. And it is great.

Hope you liked this post!

By Davian Koren

Baking Fun

Lately, I’ve been making diner for the family all by myself and they always like it! What do you like making lately? 4-23-19

The Banana Bread of 2019

Today I’m making empanadas for lunch! 1-17-21

My First Copy of Lavendia’s Truth is out!

Awarded to Miss Amelia is the book Lavedia’s Truth for her birthday on the grand day of may 29th, 2019. It is sighned by me, the author and also is the first printed version of the book. Let me know if you liked reading the online version of it yourself!

Example of the inside.
This is the cover.

Away, to The Smokey Mountians!

Tomorrow, I will be going to the Great Smokey Mountains in Tenessee. I am so exited, we will be staying in our camper for 2 weeks and 1 day. I will definitley post a LOT of pictures for you all to see. We are packing up today, folding clothes, washing them, drying them, fixing up the camper… It’s been a busy day! I’ve made dandelion cookies (click here to view) and we loved them so much that we each ate two.

A Young Author

I, at a very young age, started to write books. Now, I write even more books (and they probably are a bit better than when I was, well, you know…age two) A few months ago, I finished a book called “Lavendia’s Truth,” a Novela. The story will be in the category called “Books of a Young Author,” if you want to check it out, along with some others I am pretty fond of. I encourage you to write a story too, it really is fun! I am still working on that part, though.