
Our world is messed up right now. I want to tell you a little about what I believe. We’ll start off with the riots. I don’t know about you, but I think the recent riots that took place in Minneapolis were wrong. It started off with protests. Protests are okay. You need to protest for the things that you think are right and wrong. But riots are completely unacceptable. Robbing target, wrecking buildings. That can’t be okay. Think about it. If people in history always rioted when they were angry, the world would get pretty torn apart.

You can be angry. You can be upset that George Floyd was killed. The fact that that man was killed was horrible. The policeman that killed him was not being okay. That was wrong. There are some racist policeman out there. But you have to remember that the majority of police are just there to help. There’s a reason that we have police as a thing. If we don’t want racist people in the police force, then we develop a system that weeds them out of our community. How would we reinforce the law if police aren’t a thing? This is the world we live in. The world our children and grandchildren live in. Is this the life we want to life? The life we want our children to live? Think about that. Humans have the mind to do good with their knowledge. But we are able to choose to do bad too. Make the world you live in a good place.

We need more good people in the world. We can’t have half-truths making the headlines. We can’t spread fake news across the world. Have you taken into account what would happen to the good police? They’ll be unemployed if there aren’t any policemen anymore. They have families to support. Lives they want to live. Dreams to fulfill. What other job would we give them? They probably have only a police degree. Do they have to scrape up the money for another degree?

There is a quote from the bible that I would like to share with everyone here. It is a few sentences to reflect on.

God grant me the


to accept the things I cannot change,


to change the things that I can, and the


to know the difference.