Feeding Rabbits – Naturally

I’ve been doing some research on feeding rabbits home-grown and foraged foods instead of or supplementing the generic pellet feed.

There are multiple reasons for this.

  1. I like to know what I’m putting into my animals. This way, I would know this and their feed would be organic.
  2. I prefer to be self sufficient. I don’t like to have to rely of feed stores to supply me with what I need.
  3. There are many plants that can provide the same supplements as pellets would, but in this way it’s done naturally with herbs, greens, hay, and more wholesome products.

When I was doing my digging, I found that there are actually lots of plants, some that would usually be considered weeds, and some that are considered scraps (such as carrot tops), that can be consumed by rabbits, and that are even healthy and good for them.

Here’s the diet I came up with (to be supplemented with a small amount of pellets):


  • Alfalfa Hay


  • Dandelion (Greens and Flower)
  • Chickweed
  • Kale


  • Beet Greens
  • Carrot Tops
  • Cucumber Leaves
  • Dark Lettuces (Romaine, Red Sail, Butter Crunch)
  • Radish Tops (including sprouts)
  • Turnip Greens
  • Plantain
  • Lemon Balm
  • Comfrey


  • Zucchini (and other squash variety)
  • Calendula
  • Rose
  • Chicory
  • Mint (all varieties)
  • Sage


  • Apple
  • Carrot

Though it is a lot of work to have to harvest feed daily, I think it will be worth it.

My plan is to gradually wean the rabbits off of their pellets, slowly adding more and more of the above plants into their diet. (If you change their feed too quickly, it can make them sick, and can even result in their death.) For wintertime, I’m going to dry extra of the greens and herbs to be able to use in the cold months.

Most young rabbits are unable to eat greens (gives them bad diarrhea and potentially death) so weanlings and young will still be given mostly alfalfa hay and pellets.

I’m very excited to be trying this new method of feeding, and if it goes well I plan to use it as long as I can.

Stay tuned for more posts on progress with this project!

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